Abracadabra! I'm here to teach you the magic of hand canceling your envelopes or figuring out what the exact postage is for your unusual invites!
Last year there was a bit of a kerfuffle (yes, said it and I meant it, kerfuffle that even involved a TV news story) over hand canceling, but thanks to a seminar coordinated by Kami Aguilar of Wed Portland, I've the scoop!
Wherever in the U.S. you may be, you need to find out who your local Mailing Standards Specialist is. Right now, in Portland, OR that lovely person is Lori. You can call her at 503-294-2217 or email her at [email protected]. You'll make an appointment with her at the main post office at NW Hoyt & NW Broadway. You'll bring your complete invitation suite (or whatever you're mailing.) She'll weigh it, check it against the templates, look for bumpies or anything else that may be an issue. She'll then tell you what your postage will be per piece. No more trying to figure out if something is "machineable" or "non-machineable," or if it's regulation size, or is it a "flat" or a "package"? So many questions, Lori is the fairy godmother will make sure your mail doesn't turn into a pumpkin.
We're very fortunate in The City of Roses to have a beautiful postmark to adorn our special mail, like the postmark on this envelope*. Lori's also the go-to person for that. Hand cancelling your envelopes, beside being pretty & special, also means you won't get the computerized bar code across the bottom of your envelope. You've spent time & money on mailing beautiful envelopes , go the extra mile!
*This envelope is from a dear friend's wedding so I've hung on to it for sentimental as well as practical reasons. Everybody say hi to Amy, that's her and her charming husband Jeff on the stamp!
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